Thursday, February 25, 2016

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon's Neon Oozing Music

Blood Dragon's teaser trailer was released on April Fool's Day to the internet's confusion. People debated if it was real, until the publisher Ubisoft confirmed its authenticity two weeks after the trailer. Blood Dragon is an expansion of Ubisoft's game Far Cry 3, but has a completely different design and story. Blood Dragon pays homage to 80's action movies by having over the top characters with cheesy one liners, a retro-futuristic world and neon colors everywhere. The game is a First Person Shooter (FPS) in an open world environment. The games was released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The plot of the game can be described as stop the bad guy, get the girl, and save the world and the protagonist name is Sergeant Rex "Power" Colt. Dean Evans, Far Cry developer, was quoted saying to GameInformer that the overall attitude for the project was shock and awe.

The musicians that Evans reached out to do the soundtrack was Power Glove. Power Glove is an Australian band that is under the genres electronic and synthwave. Synth music was the best choice for this game because synth music was heavily used in 80's movies. Evan said that the soundtrack was the first completed part the the game. Power Glove would send Evan songs during development and the songs would be exactly what they asked for. Evans said about Power Glove is that one of those glorious things about working with people who are into the same thing is they instantly click and get it.

I have a personal love for 80's action movies and how cheesy and over the top they are the soundtrack for the game is perfect. I will be talking about a few of the songs that make up the soundtrack. 

The first of these songs will be discussing is the theme to the game called "Blood Dragon Theme." This theme is actually what you would expect to hear when the title of an 80's action movies comes on the screen. The song is heroic, upbeat and fast paced. The song has layers for beats on beats with some electric guitar in the background between building up beats. 

The next song is title "Sloan." Sloan is the name of the bad guy in the game so this his theme.  This song plays then the player gets their first close introduction to the antagonist. This tone of the song is dark and evil with low toned sounds. There are fewer layers in this song and the song is more reminiscent of a 80's horror movie with mystery in the sound. 

The last song that I will be talking about is "Resurrection." This song plays in the final confrontation in the game after Rex is injured, but overcomes his wounds to fight. The song starts very quiet and simple, but then leaps into a repetitive beat that makes the player feel powerful because the beat doesn't stop throughout the rest of the song even as more and more layers. This is one of my favorite songs because of how layers just keep compiling and compiling. 

This soundtrack is on my short list of video game soundtracks that I listen to and it is definitely worth. This game was one of my favorites for just running with a theme and sticking to there guns and the soundtrack drastically helps. If you want to listen to the entire soundtrack you can find it here on YouTube or purchase you can it on iTunes or Amazon if you really like it. With a rumored sequel on the way, why not pick it up. Thanks for readying everyone until next time keep jamming. 

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